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Green Bananas: A Nutritional Powerhouse

When it comes to bananas, the common preference leans towards the yellow, ripe variety. However, green bananas, often overlooked, offer several unique health benefits. Let’s explore the advantages of incorporating green bananas into your diet, backed by...

나는 가끔 무서운 공상에 잠긴다

지금 인터넷에서 일어나는 많은 트레픽들은 AI 등장 이전에도 자동화 되서 돌아가는 메크로들이 많았다 지금은 이제 AI화 되어 자동으로 글이올라오구 자동으로 댓들을 달고다니는 시대가 왔다 그러면 AI 가 글을 쓰고 AI가 댓글을 달고 또 AI 가 답글을 단다고 생각해보자…. If you think about it, even before the emergence of AI, a lot of the internet traffic was already automated...

Collection of ChatGPT Prompts

Preface ChatGPT Using prompts allows for easy development of ideas and gaining new perspectives. This tool can help foster creativity and solve problems. Let’s use these prompts together to generate new ideas! Main Body Marketing We want to engage consumers...